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Chapter Registration

CS Unite is a non-profit remote tutoring organization dedicated toward increasing awareness, accessibility, and equality in the STEM field while promoting free CS education to all interested and passionate students! Are you interested in taking on a larger leadership role within our organization? Then contact us through the attached form to start a CS Unite Chapter at your local high-school or middle-school! We'll provide you with all the resources you need to hold classes on your own, and we'll feature you on our website and keep-in-touch! Join us today to expand CS Unite's global impact!

What is a CS Unite Chapter?

A CS Unite Chapter is a way of expanding CS Unite's impact by starting a local "chapter" at your school (universities included!) or simply within your hometown. This is equivalent to starting a school club, except that all the resources you need and the name of the club are already provided for you! By reaching out to the CS Unite team, we will provide you with complete access to our teaching resources, assignments, and other materials to help you get your club set up, as well as organize online meetings from time to time to meet with you and other Chapter Leads and keep our organization updated and on the same page about current events, opportunities, and ongoing updates. If interested in becoming a Chapter Lead, please fill out and submit the above form! We can't wait to meet you, and we thank you for expanding CS Unite's global impact by introducing more students to the world of STEM and expanding upon the diversity and accessibility of CS education!

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