What is CS Unite?
Why should I enroll?
CS Unite is a not-for-profit online computer science tutoring organization, founded by high school student, Brooke Kim Foley, in 2024; it is an institution that offers free online coding classes and workshops for students of any age and at any level of experience! Through the teachings offered by passionate, experienced, high-school students primarily enrolled in the selective magnet charter high school, Bergen County Academies, you have the option to select and take introductory online courses in Python, Java, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React.js, and SQL, with many more classes to come in the future! Join us today to dive into your passions, develop your coding skills, and explore the world of computer science, all for free!
Our Philanthropy Goal
CS Unite plans to raise and donate at least $1,000 in total to local STEM nonprofits by the end of the 2024-2025 school year. Join us in our mission to give back and support the advancement of STEM education and accessibility.
Free Online
Coding Classes
At CS Unite, you can choose a course that interests you and attend weekly online meetings where experienced, high-school STEM tutors will instruct you on the basics and fundamentals of your chosen area of expertise, enhancing your knowledge of computer science through rigorous and academically enriching course-work and after-class (optional!) assignments. Our teachers are primarily made up of students attending Bergen County Academies, a rigorous selective admissions-required STEM high-school ranked in the top 100 of high schools nationwide, ensuring the quality of their teaching and your experience.
As classes are taught in real-time, you will be free to ask questions, and learn from the inquiries of other students present with you, and the instructors themselves can take your questions to their own teachers, many of which are Ivy-League graduates and pronounced professionals in their own fields. You will learn not only how to code, but how to think algorithmically, how to solve problems dynamically, and how to create projects of your own imagination in CS!
STEM Internships
and Scholarships
Explore STEM-related internships and scholarship opportunities through our platform, which the student-staff at CS Unite find and provide for free. We aim to provide resources for any interested student's future in tech and STEM and support their academic journey.
Direct Involvement through Chapter Registration
Passionate about spreading the joy of coding and the accessibility of STEM, and want to contribute further to our organization? Start a CS Unite chapter at your local high school and inspire others to explore computer science!
Let's unite to make coding education accessible to all!